2010's christmas...it's reli the worst christmas day i ever had....early morning...my parent was at the living room discussed abt fb...they say fb was very dangerous...my mum ask my dad 2 control me...bcoz i always on9 in fb...my dad came in my room n bring a bad news 4 me..he said...u close ur fb n nvr log in anymore....walao...my god....close my fb??!!?!? all my game...frens...all finish liao....haixx.....sumore they say if they found out tat i log in fb...they will nvr let me use internet....i feel like one part of my body gone le!! no more fb juz like no more interesting life...my life nw is damn damn boring!! christmas day they brought 4 me such a NICE present..... T.T
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A boy called L*H bcum a servant...he always 2gether with the playgirl n her fren....He thinks tat like tat close wif them is a very pro action....HE as a BOY...bt he bcum a SERVANT 4 the GURL...he duno SHAMED....wat the girl say oso will follow..like a dog....summore he is very gud in acting like very cute n pity n innocence....bt when i saw tat..i'm goin 2 vomit..BLEK!!!it's SUCKXXX!!Especially the eyes...made me want 2 'gali'his eyes come out!! DUNO SHAMED...BAPUK!!
Posted by Yik Xiian at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Long time nvr update my blog edi....haiz...so many things happen all along these months...gt a girl reli very bad d...she played the boy love summore 1 2 blame the boy he duno how 2 couple all tat..now the boy dun wan bother her anymore...then when she saw the boy she will shout..mental girl...the boy very hurt edi mar..y she cant understand ppl de...gt a boy love 2 touch her body..she also wun care 1,summore touch back the boy...and ask wat wat like tat....they all so YUCKXX...The girl love 2 scold ppl bad words..even sum1 accidentally kena her..she oso wan 2 scold ppl~ SOHAI~...she duno tat herself is a sohai izit....wat also wan 2 scold....borrow or ask thing from others tat time she will act like very polite..after tat..when others ask her back..she will oni say wat lar..duno...all tis idiot ans...if she saw any1 talk wif the sad boy tat been played by her..she will scold they all sohai..mahai...all tat de....why she tink tat she stil gt rights 2 jealous n angry meh? IN HER SWEET DREAM LAR......
Posted by Yik Xiian at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
Hate T_T
Hate exam,hate geografi,hate sejarah,hate kemahiran hidup............All so hard 2 memorize.......stupid 1 !! Argh............stupid.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Err.............stupid exam!!!!!!
Posted by Yik Xiian at 3:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Stupid de Mii
Aiyo,why i so stupid de?Gt so many B in my exam....I hate B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I dun like B.....Y lar,gt so many B,4 wat?STUPID!!!!!!!!IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!FOOLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!MII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Yik Xiian at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
*2morrow~~skul day
Aiyo,so faz holiday paz......Tommorow skul day ady,very scared abt all the exam results leh........Sure very bad,gt B/C/D/E de leh............Haiz, who asked me so lazy 2 study,regret now oso useless...............C-R-Y
Posted by Yik Xiian at 6:21 AM 0 comments
Pyramid~Charice ft I-yaz
Earthquake can't shake us
Cyclones can't break us
Hurricanes can't take away our love
Pyramid, we built this on a solid rock
It feels just like a heaven's touch
Together at the top
(At the top,baby)
Like a pyramid
I love tis song,so nice!!!!!!
Posted by Yik Xiian at 2:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010

I love Twilight, a very nice love story!I want 2 watch tis movie,bt my mum said tat twilight very boring d, so juz can buy disc for me 2 watch at home..........Muz wait quite long oni have disc d leh,bt nvm lah,the moz important is can watch tis movie .......YEEPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Yik Xiian at 9:31 PM 0 comments
~~sEjArAh FoLiO~~
Aiya,our sejarah teacher never explain cleary how 2 do the sejarah project.Her voice so soft n oni infront can hear it,she BLAH BLAH BLAH infront n mii at the back cant hear anything,juz BLUR!!!!! She never teached us hw 2 do salasilah keluarga,anugerah/pingat,peristiwa bersejarah dalam keluarga all tat stupid things,juz gave us some contoh oni then let us go back do. Now, someone said june pass up,some said july,some more pro said after holiday.I oso dunno hw 2 do,juz done little bit....I hate tat teacher!!!!
Posted by Yik Xiian at 9:15 PM 0 comments
~~HoLiDaY pAzZ~~
2 weeks d holiday is goin 2 paz ady,I dun want go back skul n study lar..........Teacher will give back de exam paper n i nid 2 face the bad results again......Haizzzzzzzzzz
Posted by Yik Xiian at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Change template
Today my darling,Qian Yi teach me how 2 change blog templates.......Wah,my understanding very bad,very long oni succeed change the template.HAHA,thx ya Qian Yi...........
Posted by Yik Xiian at 1:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
BORING ARR........
Tis holiday no mood 2 study,everyday on9 in MSN or fb oni.....SO BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!Games play again n again......................offline,online,offline,online......like tat 2 paz my holiday....
Posted by Yik Xiian at 9:52 AM 0 comments
''VERY GUD'' results
Aiyo,now my results all bcum very bad liao,wat 2 do leh?All oso B,so hurt..........
Posted by Yik Xiian at 2:51 AM 0 comments